There is nothing worse than a grubby mobile phone. All the probing and poking it gets is quite unsanitary. Add to this the fact that we stick the thing up against our ears and heads suggest that we are leaving ourselves open to an attack of germs that could cause no end of issues with our health. One of the most prominent pieces of advice that the Government gave us during the COVID panic was to regularly wash hands and avoid touching the face, especially the mouth, eyes, and nose. The phone becomes a total germ magnet and transferring agent of nasty bugs.
It doesn’t matter if you have a new phone from Vodafone Monaghan way, which you’d found via, it will soon get dirty. So what can you do to keep it clean and fresh? It’s an electronic device, so covering it in water or anti-bacteria spray will not help in any way. It’s time to resort to other means.
First of all, wash or anti-bac your hands first before you use them. Secondly, you can invest in some anti-bac wipes that will clean the phone up a treat. There are specific ones on the market for this, but we find that a regular wipe is just as good. The other option is to invest in a set of pull-off screen covers. Finally, you peel them on the front, and when you feel the phone is filthy enough, you pull them off.