Write for us
Are you interested in writing for us, creating content or otherwise partnering with the LinkFeel.com team? We’re always looking for original content and we’re interested in hearing your ideas! Before you decide to write to us, check out some of our content to get ideas and to get to know our style.
We are looking for thought-leadership articles, well-researched opinions, fresh strategies that offer actionable tips. LinkFeel.com always welcomes guest writers, we thank you for the interest in contributing to our blog!
Successful guest contributions are comprehensive, data-driven and engaging posts that teach our readers something new about the world of information technology in business.
Guest Post | Write for Us; Guest Blogging Opportunities?
- Digital
- Small Business
- Finance
- Fashion
- Insurance
- Entrepreneur
- Health
- Lifestyle
- Travel
- Sports
- News
- Entertainment
- Technology
- Money
- Education
Important Note
Your written content should be written according to Google search console guideline. Content should be informative and catchy with proper ways such as Heading and subheading that help the user in understanding the article and makes it neat and attractive.
We appreciate
Original concepts, compelling and unbiased arguments, high-quality writing.
Well-structured text with headings numbered or marked lists, tables, etc.
Links to credible sources that can substantiate your claims and ideas. Use descriptive link text, rather than “click here to find out more”. The link text should describe the target of the link.
Submissions may include images that complement the content (where possible). If you provide images, please include a short statement about the related copyright and rights of use.
We don’t like you to do
Topics that have been covered on our blog before. Please search our site before submitting your ideas.
Anything that may be construed as a link-building scheme. We don’t participate in any kind of affiliate marketing or partner-linking system.
Topics that are irrelevant to our site.
Promotional articles that are explicitly written to market or sell a product, tool, service or app. The principles of non-selectivity, objectivity and impartiality should be respected.
Before sending us a message, consider what you’d like to write for us and pitch us the idea. If you already have a piece written, send us the link. We’re interested in original content that hasn’t been posted online before. So, if you’ve got amazing ideas or content that you’d like to partner with us to create, shoot us a message using the form below!
Please make sure that your article:
- Contains quality, clear and interesting advice and information that takes into account our readers
- Is exclusively written for and contains content exclusively used for the LinkFeel.com website (no re-posts please!)
- Is submitted with all necessary information that you want in the final version—links, link text, etc.
- infringes no copyright laws
- includes a headline, body text, and your byline.
- Copyscape and plagiarism free
- engaging and unique
Guest posts we publish
We publish articles of anywhere between 1000–2,500 words, depending on subject complexity. 1,200 words are about average. Articles often run with a custom illustration. Articles may be casual in tone and content—great for less-intensive tutorials and posts—or rigorously structured and edited. All should be well-considered explorations of current and cutting-edge topics in the web industry.
How to submit (and what happens next)
Email us your submission. We prefer submissions as Google document so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft. (Please do not send a ZIP file of assets unless requested by an editor.)
You get one link in your author bio. The article link must NOT be promotional in nature and should support the topic. In other words, no backlinks to home pages, landing pages, or sales pages. Links to blog posts, case studies, surveys, and white papers that support the topic are permitted.
If you think you got what it takes, please send links to an example article (or two) that you’ve published on other sites for us to review.
Your submission will give us a good indication of the kind of work you can produce for us. Once you submit your article we will review it and decide at that point whether you will be a good fit for our site or not.
We want articles that are both extremely informative and entertaining. They should be the best article on the web for the given topic covered.
We determine quality by your past writing examples.
Feel free to review our blog articles in detail to get an understanding of the minimum quality of work we are looking for.
Also, we only publish guest posts that 1) target high volume keywords 2) are on topics we haven’t already covered.
So if you have some topic ideas for a guest post, make sure to provide the keyword volume with your submission! – if you don’t, we likely won’t respond.
Thank you for your interest in working with the LinkFeel.com team and we look forward to reviewing your submission(s).
List of Search Queries to Find Guest Posting Sites
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Technology Write for us
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Health Write for us
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Niche + Write for us
Write for us + Technology
Fashion + write for us
Technology + Write for us
Write for us Technology
Technology + write for us + Guest Post
Write for us Fashion Blog
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Business “Write For Us”
Guest Post Technology
Technology Business “Write for us”
Blogging Write for us
Business Technology write for us
Fashion + “write for us”
Technology Business Write for us
Health + Write For Us + Guest Post
Technology “Write for us”
Fashion Blog write for us
Fashion + write for us + Guest Post
Guest Post Opportunities
Health write for us Guest Post
Technology + “Write for us” + Guest Post
Fashion Write for us Guest Post
Technology Business + write for us
Fashion Blogs +”Write for us”
Tech Blogs “Write for us”
Fashion Blog Contribute To
Information Technology Write for us
Health “Write for us”
Technology “Submit Guest Post”
Fashion Style Write for us
Mobile Apps “write for us”
Health + “Write for us”
Business “Write for us”
Fashion Blog + write for us
Mobile Technology Write for us
Fashion Blog “Write for us”
Technology “Accepting Guest Posts”
Guest Post write for us
Write for us Health
Write for us Fashion Trends
Technology + “Write for us”
Write for us Gaming
Fashion Beauty Write for us
“Technology Business” + Write for us
Health + Write for us