Gloucester is one of the oldest settlements in the UK. It can date its existence to before Roman times but it is clearly their coming that has ensured it becoming the size it is today. Glevum, as it was named, was a garrison town and where a legionary went after retirement. They were rewarded with land and a home. It began to surpass its neighbour Cirencester which was at one point the second largest city in Roman Britain. However whilst this is an important part of the city’s growth its real wealth and fame comes from the huge medieval Cathedral, one of the largest and best in Europe. You can be a part of this historic city by moving there as there are Park Homes for Sale in Gloucestershire. View the latest park homes for sale in Gloucestershire by clicking on the link.
The Cathedral began life as an abbey in 678 to 679 AD. The date is slightly lost in time given this was the end of the Dark Ages and records are scarce. However what we definitely know is that the Bishop of Worcester had the Church of St Peter built in 1058 and this was the basis for the Cathedral with it gaining an Abbot in 1381. By 1541 it had its first Bishop and was established as separate from Worcester for the first time.
It has one of the largest stained glass windows in Europe. It depicts God and all his saints and disciples. It shows the feudal system and, for some reason, also has images of Golf and Football being played in it.