When you invest a great deal of money into a property and want to turn it into the ideal home for you and your family, there is a low-maintenance, cost-effective, easy solution for your flooring options. A professional, experienced, reputable company such as www.irwintiles.ie/ can supply and install 12mm Laminate Wood Flooring throughout your property, ensuring your family home stays looking as good as new for many years to come. Versatile, practical, hardwearing, stain and water resistant this choice of flooring is perfect for any home. Available in a wide range of styles and colours it’s perfect for even the most discerning of families. Child and pet friendly 12mm Laminate Wood Flooring is easy to keep clean and remains stylish and elegant throughout its long lifetime.
There are many other advantages to having laminate Flooring installed throughout your home including, it can withstand exposure to long periods of direct sunlight, is great for high-traffic areas and is seam free making it easy to clean. By just using a soft sweeping brush and slightly damp mop you can keep your entire floor looking spick and span.
Made from layers of professionally engineered synthetic materials 12mm Laminate Wood Flooring looks like real wood or stone and is available in many other colour and style choices. It is incredibly durable, and is scratch, stain, water, moisture, fade and burn resistant, making it an excellent cost-effective and long-lasting choice.