Want to know how to Instagram growth naturally? It is important that our account grows in order to reach as many potential customers as possible.
There are many methods for your account to gain strength and greater relevance over time. So, without further ado, let’s see what to do to grow our Instagram account!
Table of Contents
ToggleAs I told you at the beginning of the article, Instagram is a platform with a lot of potentials to increase the reach of your brand and reach potential consumers.
But before going into the subject, I would like to recommend some articles so that you know the benefits of having a well-worked Instagram account integrated into your marketing strategy:
Now, we start with the 21 tips on how to grow on Instagram, I hope they help you!
Instagram is a 100% visual social network; the video and especially the image have an important weight in it.
The reputation of your personal or business brand is at stake according to the quality of the image you upload.
Today it is not necessary to buy a professional camera to upload a good image. Depending on the type of smartphone you have you can get very good results. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
In case you don’t have a good camera on your mobile, you can always go to image editing programs to correct those image imperfections.
An example of this is the images you see below, edited by my partner Isabel Santiandreu Morales.
Very important advice is to know the size and measures of social networks, in this case of Instagram, so that the result is optimal.
If you want your brand on Instagram (whether personal or business) to be recognized, it is important that you do not diversify the publications. Focus on a specific niche so that your brand is remembered for a particular specialization.
For example: if at a professional or personal level you dedicate yourself to the world of fashion, it is better that you focus on it to attract a quality audience that really follows you for what you do and teach
If you diversify your publications in several themes it will cost you more to grow, since the user will not be clear about what you really do.
Finally, a factor to consider, apart from your publications, is to let the user know what topics are going to be treated in your account through the biography.
Let’s not forget that social networks live on advertising. You can naturally grow little by little. But if your desire is to increase that growth rate, advertising is your ally.
If you are in a process of brand recognition, advertising on Instagram strategically will help you give that push you want so much.
It is true that for this advice you need a professional, and it is already an expense in your pocket, but it is really being an investment since it is in favor of your company. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
Even so, if at present you cannot afford to hire an expert, you always have the opportunity to do free courses to advertise on Instagram.
I have to confess: I used to upload only photos of food dishes to my stories, until one day I asked myself, ” Do these photos really add value to my community? ”
It is true that stories, or stories (whatever you want to call them), only last 24 hours, but if at that time you publish content of little value, your brand may be harmed. It could be the case that some of your followers silence your stories if they don’t consider them relevant or even stop following you. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
In my opinion, stories are another means of communication, apart from the Instagram feed, with a tremendous capacity for interaction with your community.
Another point in favor of the stories is that you can save them in highlights, that make them visible forever and not lost once 24 hours pass.
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Using hashtags increases the visibility probabilities of your publication. As a recommendation, do not reach the 30 hashtags that Instagram allows, an average of 5 and 11 hashtags is fine to gain visibility.
To make proper and effective use of this technique, avoid those hashtags that are very busy. For example, if you put the #Nike hashtag, you will be wasting your time, since it is a highly demanded hashtag and your publication will be eaten by other accounts that are stronger and use the same hashtag.
To avoid this I recommend using other alternatives that describe your publication but are not as sought after, in this way you increase the chances that your image appears in highlights.
Do not lock yourself in your account and look at the posts of the people you follow, comment on them, interact with them. This method assures you that they will see you 100%, but also, if you do it constantly, you will leave a mark on your mind. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
By using this method, when you publish an image or video you increase the chances that the people with whom you have interacted will return the favor by interacting with them in your publications.
Always ask yourself the same question before posting: what I’m going to upload to Instagram is valuable content? If the answer is no, think twice if you really deserve to upload that post.
Although we are in a visual social network, the text or caption of the image plays a great role, do not miss it.
It is the ideal place to captivate and tell a story that reinforces the image or video you publish. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
Here you can tell your followers those sensations that the image transmits to you or be able to reinforce the message of the publication so that the user delves deeper into your story.
It’s good to have a rhythm and a calendar of posts on your social networks, and doing it for Instagram is no less important. But making excessive use of posts can bore or burn your community. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
With this, you can get them to silence you or stop following you. And remember: you are here to grow on Instagram.
If you want to grow on Instagram, one step you have to take is to pass your account from private to public. How do you want people to start following you if they don’t know what you offer?
In this article, I am talking about how to grow on Instagram, and if you have a private account, these tips will be of little use if you want to continue maintaining that privacy.
A good way to gain visibility on Instagram is to collaborate with influencers who work on the same theme as yours or similar, since, if not, this advice will fail.
The influencers have a community very committed to them or them, and many of their followers will take into account what they are told.
So, if you create a good strategy with the influencer and carry it out, it can be very beneficial for both parties.
Like it or not, emojis became a digital language mode. You can reinforce the message with an emoticon that represents the text you are writing.
They also provide a visual touch to the text, but try not to abuse them or, if not, you will cause the opposite effect.
The first hour is important for the Instagram algorithm. Depending on the interactions your publication has, the algorithm will determine if it is an interesting publication for your community or not.
For this reason, it is important that you be as attentive as possible to the comments left by your followers to respond to them.
It is an important detail to take into account, but do not obsess and do not stay stuck to the mobile.
Whether you are a personal or business brand, in both cases I recommend creating a company profile for the following reasons:
You can find out what type of publications have been most successful and which are the ones that your audience likes the most.
You know the hours and days of the week in which your community is most active in the social network to be able to make your publications and reach a greater number of people.
Your Instagram account profile is your home. If you have it well maintained, people will want to enter it.
Putting a good profile picture and a biography of Instagram worked, you will imply that you care to convey a good image, and that, from the beginning, the possible follower will appreciate it. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
If you have in mind using bots to get automatic messages in others’ posts, take it out of your head.
It shows perfectly that they are bots and, instead of looking good and making the other person that you are interested in publishing to believe, you will most likely get them to block you so that you don’t bother them again.
On Instagram, apart from being able to follow users you can also follow hashtags. This way you can interact with people where you both have something in common.
It is one more way to make yourself visible with people or brands with whom you share the same tastes, increase the chances of them visiting your profile and, perhaps, deciding to follow your page. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
On some occasion, I have done this practice, which is to reach an agreement with an account that has a theme similar to yours and, through a publication or a store, recommends each other.
In this way, you can reach a community that may also be interested in your content.
It is a good method to reach a new audience. It is important that what you draw is related to the theme you are promoting in your account.
For a person to participate, you must leave alike in the publication, you have to name a number of people and they have to follow your account.
These people have to share it in their stories so that your brand reaches their community.
You set a draw end date.
And you use some tool to choose the winner randomly.
You don’t have to always offer physical products in your draws. In the case of offering services, you can offer a free class for a certain time, a free audit, etc. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
If you enter a keyword in your account username, you will have a better chance of Instagram recommending you in your search results. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
A simple method to gain visibility and help you grow on Instagram is to indicate the place where you have taken the photo.
Thus, for people looking for information from that place, there is a possibility that your image appears in the results of their search, increasing the visibility of your brand. It is one of the best Instagram growth tips.
Instagram is a very easy and intuitive network to use, but at the same time, it has its complexity if we really want to realize its full potential. In this article I have shown you more than 20 tactics on how to get followers on Instagram, and that you can launch right now.
I want to make it clear that growing naturally on Instagram takes time, you don’t get results in the short term and often not in the medium term. But if you want to do things right and establish strong and solid pillars around your brand in this social network, I am sure that these tips will help you reach your goal.