Male baldness is a condition that is more common in men than in women. Male baldness is, in most cases, a typical occurrence, however it can also have serious implications on a man’s overall health. It can also be a sign of other underlying health concerns. If you suspect that your hair loss is related to an underlying health problem, it’s important that you see your doctor to work out the problem and ensure that there is no underlying cause for your hair loss.
If you are noticing sudden hair loss in your younger years that seems to be affecting your social life or your career, you should have a complete physical exam to determine the cause. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not there are any potential health issues that could be causing the hair loss. If you do have a health issue, you will want to check with your doctor to determine treatment options. There are many treatment options available for male pattern baldness, so you have a lot of treatment options to choose from if you have male baldness.
Minoxidil is the most common treatment option for male baldness. Minoxidil is usually applied in the form of a topical cream to the area of hair loss. The minoxidil slows down the rate at which hair cells fall out and keep new hair cells growing in their place. If you are looking for a way to improve the aesthetic look of hair loss you should consider Scalp Micropigmentation from professionals such as His Hair Clinic.