If you are planning on getting a dog, then letting it out to play in the garden is something that you will want to do. However, before you bring your new dog home, you must make sure that your garden is safe and suitable for your dog – here are some of the things to consider…
What Plants are in the Garden?
There are lots of plants which can be a problem to dogs if they ingest them and can even be deadly. Make sure that you are not growing anything in the garden which could be dangerous, such as monkshood, foxgloves, wisteria or daffodils.
Is the Garden Secure?
You need to make sure that it is not possible for your dog to escape your garden, so firstly make sure that the fencing is high enough and also that it is on good repair and that there aren’t any gaps that the dog will be able to go through. Get a professional like this fencing Leicester based company https://directfencingandcontracting.com/services/fencing-leicester/ to do it for you so that you can be sure it is safe and sturdy.
Are there any Tools or Substances that Could be a Danger to Your Dog?
We often keep all sorts of things in the garden, and many of these could be dangerous to an unwitting dog. From garden tools to chemicals like weed killers, all things like this should be stored safely away in a shed which is then locked so that the dog cannot access it.