The garden is not only a place where we can enjoy the beauty of the plants that we grow, but it can also be an extension of the medicine cupboard. Growing flowers and plants in the garden is something that many people enjoy and learning about new plants and their benefits can be really good for your health.
There are lots of places where you can get all sorts of plants, such as places like this plants for trade supplier here are some of the beneficial plants for your health that you can grow in your garden…
Lavender – The smell of lavender is a scent that we associate with the summer and is a great addition to a garden border. It is also a great choice for a nature garden and is very attractive to bees.
Medicinally, lavender has many benefits, but it is mainly used to aid sleep, help to reduce stress and anxiety and calms the nerves. Drying lavender and hanging it in a bag can not only make your home smell lovely, but also helps you to relax.
Peppermint – If you suffer from stomach problems and discomfort such as acid reflux, this is the plant to grow in your garden! The menthol smell of peppermint is something that many of us are familiar with, but in addition to being a pleasant smell, peppermint also helps to soothe the stomach, as well as having antibacterial properties when used on the skin.
Feverfew – These beautiful daisy-like flowers are not only attractive to look at but are also commonly used to promote healing for a wide range of health problems. The most common use is for migraines, aches associated with arthritis and as a reliever of toothache.
Most people take it in a tea form by placing the leaves into a pot of boiling water and leaving it for a few minutes.
Valerian – If you have a cat, you have likely come across this plant, as it is also much loved by our feline companions! Valerian is a native wildflower to the UK which also makes a great addition to a medicinal garden. Its many flowers attract bees, and it will bloom throughout the summer.
When it comes to using valerian, its most common use is for insomnia and anxiety, and it is the root of the plant that is mainly used for medicines.