Smaller, compact kitchens are a common sight in many new-build Homes, blending style, elegance, efficiency, practicality and workability. Often incorporating Integrated Washing Machines and other equally essential appliances so that the minimum floor-space is impacted with their sleek-lines and clever designs. Hidden behind cupboard doors and fitted up against the outside wall, these modern, energy efficient machines take up less floor space than any of their free-standing rivals. If you have a smaller kitchen and are designing a new layout to make the space more practical, ensure you purchase your Integrated Washing Machines and other integrated appliances from an independent, trusted, professional, electrical expert such as Having been in the Electrical Retail Industry for over one hundred and twenty-five years, this family-owned and run Independent Electrical specialist has all the knowledge and experience to help all their discerning customers make the right choices for their individual homes. Enhance your laundry space with any of their range of quality integrated washing machines. Seamlessly integrating style and performance with discreet, cabinet-concealed models. Explore their top A Rated brands, eco-friendly options, and space-efficient solutions and elevate your culinary space to its maximum potential.
Individuals, couples and families living in a busy household, all need the reliable services of a modern, energy efficient Integrated washing machine, saving them both time and money. The various models have a wide range of programmes to help different situations including half-loads, heavy-duty loads, coloured’s and whites.