With Spring just around the corner, it will soon be time to get your lawn ready for summer. Because most lawn mowers are stored away during the winter months, when it comes to using them again for the first time, owners often find their mowers are reluctant to start.
There are many reasons a lawn mower won’t work. While some will require a professional repair or even a replacement, others are preventable. You may also be able to fix some of the problems yourself as long as you follow the guidance given in the owner’s manual and feel confident that you understand the problem. If your lawn mower is still under warranty, always contact the supplier first.
Many gardens have been waterlogged due to the recent wet weather, and homeowners in Reading have received an apology from Thames Water after Storm Dennis caused raw sewage to flood their gardens.
Starter Rope
A common problem is a starter rope that won’t pull. This may be caused by the flywheel brake pressing against the handle. Another cause may be debris stuck in the blade. In order to check this, lift the mower onto a hard surface, ensure the engine is off, and check and clean the blade.
Lack of Power
Another common problem is the lawn mower suddenly cutting out. The reason for this is usually a dirty filter that, once cleaned or replaced, should solve the problem. You may require Briggs and Stratton parts; if you need Briggs and Stratton parts click here
If your lawn mower starts to produce smoke, you may be alarmed, but it does not necessarily mean it is about to blow up. This can happen if the oil chamber is too full. In addition, if your lawn is uneven and the mower is tipped to one side, it could cause the oil to leak. Wait for the machine to cool and then check the oil cap is fitted correctly.
No power
If your lawn mower has no power at all, it might simply need petrol. If you filled it recently, check the tank for leaks.
If your lawn mower stops working as efficiently as before, it could be the drive belt at fault. These are easy to replace, and doing so should fix the issue. Happy mowing!