You may have heard of isometric exercises but you do not know very well how they differ from other types of routines and, above all, what they are for since you will have seen examples of them and you will have verified that they are very similar to those you are used to. to perform, for example, in a strength training plan.
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ToggleIn this type of exercise, movement is not important. On the other hand, it is the maintenance of the muscle intension to achieve contraction and strengthen it. Therefore, this is the main difference and this brings several benefits. For example, the tendons are relaxed and the risk of injury is less. In addition, blood circulation is activated and physical fitness is improved.
They are easy exercises that you can do at home during this quarantine and that will help you tone your body and not lose muscle mass. The personal trainer and ‘coach’ David Fraile, from Beats Fitness Club Arturo Soria, gives you some tips to carry them out. Do you dare?
Although you may have heard of them, you may not yet know why they are beneficial and, especially, if they are for you. This type of exercise helps to get the most out of the routines you carry out since it exercises the muscles and maintains their contraction. Therefore, you will see that most of the exercises that we propose are the same ones that you have already been doing previously. In this case, however, you will have to hold onto the pose.
Should they be combined with other types of exercises?
Definitely, if what you want is to gain muscle mass and strengthen the body, yes. In fact, you should combine strength exercises (such as isometrics) with other types of routines such as aerobic exercise. On the other hand, there will be people looking for other goals. For example, if you are muscular hypertrophy, it is preferable that you do isotonic exercises. If you are recovering from injury, isometrics are better.
On a “soft” surface on which to support the forearms, we lie face down. We will elevate our body supporting us on the tips of the feet – legs slightly open – and the forearms – making a triangle between the hands and elbows. Hold the position for 30 seconds and we do five repetitions with 15-second breaks between plates.
Side plank
This type of iron is a variant of the first exercise. With it, the entire body will be worked with special emphasis on the lats. If you suffer an injury or have a problem, such as a lymphedema, this variant can be very severe for you. There is a series of 5 repetitions, holding 20 seconds on each lift and rest 15 seconds.
To perform this flex, you must open your arms slightly more than the width of your hips. When going down, try not to bend your elbows outwards so as not to injure yourself. Unlike a normal flex, in this type, you must hold 10 seconds before doing the full flex. It is an exercise that requires a lot of strength in the core and arms. Repeat as many times as you can but without forcing yourself.
In this exercise most muscles and tendons of the thigh, glutes, and hips are exercised, making it ideal for strengthening the body and increasing muscle mass, as well as losing weight if necessary. Although it seems simple, keep in mind that it must be done correctly so as not to increase the risk of injury. To make it easier for you, you can lean against a wall. In this routine, it will be enough to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions each.
Stand with your feet together and your arms crossed, and take a step back while flexing your knee. Make sure that the knees are at a 90º angle. In the isometric strides, you must stay in the posture holding your breath for about 20 seconds. Do three sets of 15 repetitions. You can also do it with weight, for example, using dumbbells.
Contralateral plate
It may seem like a simple exercise, however, when doing it you will see that it has some difficulty, since you must maintain balance but without forcing too much so as not to harm yourself. With it we continue to provide strength and stabilize the core, we will do 10 repetitions on each side, holding 10 seconds in each one.
Hip lift (gluteal bridge)
Another ideal isometric exercise to strengthen body parts such as the often forgotten hamstrings is this one, and it also keeps your glutes and abdominal muscles in shape. Look carefully at the posture and, when doing it, try not to turn your legs to your sides and keep your balance. Perform 3 sets of five repetitions each, holding up for 10 seconds.
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