Something that most of us take for granted is our kitchen. This is a room that has to work hard and is where our food gets made, the whole family gathers and is generally at the mercy of high traffic of footsteps, from kids and pets in particular! So it is little wonder that during lockdown many of us have felt the need to give our kitchens a bit of a facelift!
It is not essential that you have a huge budget to give your kitchen a great new look – in fact you will be surprised at how much of a difference you will see by simply changing a few things in the kitchen.
The first thing to do is to address the colour. This can make a huge difference and bring an outdated old kitchen not the modern world! Don’t worry, you don’t have to order all new cupboards – it is easy to paint kitchen cupboards to give them a brand new look, and of course the walls too. Have a look through magazines for modern kitchen inspiration.
Small things can make a big difference – changing up your kettle and toaster can instantly give your kitchen a fresh new look, as well as things like these downlight covers from Thermahood direct. You can also look at the lighting as this is a great way to give your kitchen a much more modern look and there is so much choice out there you will find something to suit all types of kitchens.