If you work in an industry where you’re required to work with, or handle chemicals, then your risks of developing an illness at work are far more increased than those who work in a safe environment. There are ways of protecting yourself from chemicals, and you should take as many precautions as possible to avoid contact with them. For example, if you work with radiation you should wear protective clothing made of radiation blocking substances such as metal sheets. If you work around fumes, then always wear a face mask and protect your eyes and ears as they’re delicate. They range from the trivial such as dermatitis to the potentially fatal, such as Mesothelioma.
Dermatitis. Quite simply, this is a form of skin irritation which can be picked up from many different occupations. If you work in a factory, with chemicals and you come into contact with them, this can be quite severe, with swelling and blistering. Symptoms include itchy, red swelled skin and sometimes red circular patches of scaly skin. Dermatitis can be managed by identifying and avoiding what causes it, however if you’re work is causing this condition it is much harder to do so. Make sure your skin remains covered, you keep your skin clean and use a clinical moisturiser. Contunue reading Relieve the Discomfort of Crutches with Stylish Covers
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with repetitive movement, so if you work in a factory, or perform manual labour then you could develop this condition easily. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which relays sensation from the palm of the hand and fingers, becomes pinched, usually by fluid collection. Symptoms start subtly when you notice your hand goes dead in the night, this then leads to numbness during the day tingling and pains in the wrist. If left untreated it can cause the thumb muscle to waste away.
Silicosis. This is a serious lung disease caused by inhaling tiny particles of silica, which is found in rock and the earth’s crust. If you’re exposed to low concentrations of silica, then it can take decades for the disease to develop. Acute silicosis occurs after prolonged or high exposure to silica and is fatal. Occupations that have high risks of coming into contact with silica dust, and therefore developing the occupational diseases are: masonry, quarrying, construction, sand blasting, stone drilling and even fire fighters. To prevent the disease always wear a face mask at work.
Mesothelioma. This is an aggressive form of cancer that affects the pleura, which is the lining of the lungs. It is caused by breathing in the harmful microscopic fibres from asbestos that consequently get stuck in your lungs and provoke malignant cells. Symptoms include shortness of breath, sharp pains in the chest and weight loss. Asbestos is an occupational hazard for construction workers, builders and manufacturers in particular, because asbestos is found as a construction material in older buildings. If you think you may need help with a possible case of mesothelioma or other asbestos related disease.
If you think you work in a job where there are high health risks due to chemicals then you should regularly get checked at the doctors. The best way to stay safe is to be aware of the risks and take precautions.
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