Always useful at home, a good antibacterial soap is even a must in the bathroom and kitchen. Which soap to choose against viruses or bacteria? How to make an effective one? Antibacterial soap or virus soap, not easy to see clearly. Here is some information and recipe ideas for homemade liquid soap.
Make a good antibacterial and antivirus soap for hands and body
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ToggleIn times of virus spread the question is even more important: which soap is most effective against bacteria and against viruses? As you probably know, bacteria and viruses do not have the same effects and do not spread the same way. We do not fight them in the same way since an antibiotic has, for example, no effect on a virus.
With regard to viruses, when it comes to washing your hands, the results of numerous tests carried out in particular during the H1N1 flu epidemic a few years ago, have shown the effectiveness of hydroalcoholic gel but also of soap crude against viruses.
In summary, if you are looking for a good soap against the COVID-19 coronavirus, a Marseille soap block is ideal! No need to look any further.
When it comes to bacteria, researchers have formulated recipes over time, leading to various associations. At the beginning of the century, in particular, we began to examine the advantage of having the patient take betadine showers and we compared iodized products to other formulas.
Over time, research provides solutions that can be applied in hospitals or even on a daily basis. A plant that strengthens the immune system, could be incorporated into recipes in the form of ethanolic extract (“alcohol” to go quickly). It is difficult to reproduce this type of recipe at home but you can use the moringa if we have any.
For any medical – and obviously professional – use, we recommend that you use products certified for these uses and follow the protocol that nurses or any member of the medical staff could recommend. No question about playing sorcerer’s apprentices.
For the home and daily use, it is nevertheless possible to make an effective antibacterial soap, to eliminate bacteria common in our environment and limit their spread.
We use for this the knowledge we have on the tea tree and their use with vegetable surfactants (4) to propose an example of a recipe.
Pay attention to the usual precautions for using an essential oil: forget if there are allergies and for pregnant people as well as young children.
For a solid soap, simply use our recipe to make its soaps and incorporate 20 drops of essential oil. Otherwise, for a liquid soap that is easier to share on a daily basis, here are three recipe ideas.
You need :
-A hard soap. You can use your homemade soap or Marseille soap, or even Aleppo soap according to your preferences.
-A pump container to collect your mixture.
-Tea tree essential oil.
-A kitchen scale to weigh the mixture.
-Grate 40 grams of soap and place the shavings in a saucepan containing 400 mL of water. Melt over low heat (even in a bain-marie but it is not necessarily necessary). Then let the mixture cool, add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix well and pour the mixture into the bottle.
-We start from the previous recipe and we will add some ingredients to soften the formula:
-35 g hard soap
-20 drops of tea tree essential oil
-400 mL of clear water
-2 tablespoons of honey
-2 tablespoons olive oil
-First melt the grated soap in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the honey and olive oil. Let cool, add the essential oils and mix well. It is ready to be poured into the bottle.
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