Adding well-being, happiness, and health to your day today is not only possible but also rewards you from minute one. Therefore, if you want to feel better physically and emotionally, follow these tips and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
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ToggleThe first thing: do not leave for later. What does it mean? That starting today is the key. If you want to lose weight, stop sweetening the coffee in front of you with sugar. If you want to increase physical activity, don’t wait to join the gym: walk to work or climb the stairs of your building when you get home. If you are under stress, take a few minutes to meditate.
A sedentary life is bad companion when undertaking a shift toward healthy living routines. Physical exercise, on the other hand, is the best supplement for a healthy diet and, in addition, it is a natural anxiolytic. Like all healthy habits, it is not acquired overnight, but it is gradually learned and incorporated.
The secret to success is to start without rush or pause. Find out about the best exercises according to your age and fitness, and remember that the most advisable way to be in good physical shape is to combine cardio exercises (dancing, riding a bike, walking at a fast pace, climbing stairs, swimming …) with strength or strength and flexibility.
Get all your machinery going!
It does not hurt to visit your trusted doctor at least once a year and do blood tests to check that we have good levels of blood glucose, cholesterol, etc.
It is also recommended to do an ultrasound of the heart and a stress test before undertaking physical exercise and go to the dentist every six months, which is essential for good oral health.
A healthy body is one that nourishes itself enough and spends in the same proportion as it consumes calories. That is to say: if you walk in the morning, then you have lunch and replenish your energy. Try not to schedule a meal and then the activity, because many times the movement is delayed or does not come and the food stagnates on your hips. Balance is the foundation of everything.
Respect your body. Do not punish him with excesses, poor quality meals, or ultra-processed foods. Bet on the natural, fill your dishes with colors (from fruits and vegetables), and spend time cooking for you and yours because home cooking helps you achieve a healthy lifestyle.
And what diet should I follow? Quite simply, the one recommended by the World Health Organization, which advocates the daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, vegetables, seeds, nuts and cereals (much better if they are whole), accompanied to a lesser extent by fish, meats (white better ), eggs and dairy products. Regarding sweets, pastries, junk food, sugary soft drinks, alcohol … the fewer the better! This does not mean that we should never consume them, but that we do it as little as possible … And is that, who does not like to indulge himself from time to time?
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